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Unit 3A Quiz 5

Unit 3A Quiz 5

Q Question 1 1 / 1 pts The supply and demand graph are the product stated in the market below. How does the market respond to the action? A B C D The Market is in equilibrium at D1S1 Market: Sugar Action: An unusual winter freeze in Brazil kills the worlds sugar crop Question 2 1 / 1 pts The supply and demand graph are the product stated in the market below. How does the market respond to the action? A B C D The Market is in equilibrium at D1S1 Market: Beef Action: The price of chicken dramatically increases. Question 3 1 / 1 pts The supply and demand graph are the product stated in the market below. How does the market respond to the action? A B C D The Market is in equilibrium at D1S1 Market: Kraft Macaroni and Cheese (this is a normal good you consume frequently) Action: Your income increase after you graduate from college. Question 4 1 / 1 pts The supply and demand graph are the product stated in the market below. How does the market respond to the action? A B C D The Market is in equilibrium at D1S1 Market: Automobiles Action: Autoworkers agree to significant wage and benefit cuts. Question 5 1 / 1 pts The supply and demand graph are the product stated in the market below. How does the market respond to the action? A B C D The Market is in equilibrium at D1S1 Market: Pepsi Action: Drinking Coke a Cola is making consumers violently ill

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